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SBL Healthcare

ULOC Vitabrite

ULOC Vitabrite

Regular price RM220.00
Regular price Sale price RM220.00
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 Suitable for:
  1. Reverse Aging
  2. Whitening & anti-pigmentation
  3. Support Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails
  4. Reduce wrinkles, improve skin elastin and collagen
  5. Promote even tone and flawless texture
  6. Protect against sun damage
  7. Effective in fighting acne and blemishes to rebuild healthy skin (pomegranate)  

ULOC Vitabrite 
Golden Way To Achieve a
Glowing and Younger Looking Skin!

  • Designed with an effective triple brightening action module, added with superb patented ingredients, to rejuvenate the skin from within, through skin barrier restorationskin moisturizing and firming.

 Key Ingredients


  • Reduced pigmentation
  • Faded dark spots
Pine Bark Extract
  • Prevents cell damage
  • UV protection
Pomegranate Fruit Extract
  • Aids in cell regeneration
  • Prevents aging signs
Grape Seed Extract
  • Reduces fine lines & wrinkles
  • Tightens skin
Vitamin C
  • Improves elasticity of the skin
  • Boosts L-Glutathione levels in the body
Cucumis Melo Concentrate
  • Promotes cell formation
  • Smooth and tone the skin
  • Safeguards the skin against UV rays
Sodium Hyaluronate
  • Moisturize the skin
  • Reduce appearance of wrinkles

Direction of use:

Adults: Take 1-2 capsule once daily, after meal or as recommended by your doctor/ pharmacist.


 Each 590mg Vegecapsule Contains:

L-Glutathione - 150mg
Pine Bark Extract (Pinus Pinaster) - 50mg
Punica Granatum Fruit Extract (Pomegranate) - 50mg
Vitis Binifera (Grape Seed Extract) - 50mg
Vitamin C - 50mg
Cucumis Melo (Melon) Concentrate - 10mg
Zins - 6mg
Sodium Hyaluronate - 18.20mg
(Providing 17.16mg Hyluronic Acid)


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