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SBL Healthcare

Equalive Curalon

Equalive Curalon

Regular price RM56.20
Regular price RM60.30 Sale price RM56.20
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Suitable for:

Target Group

Pain Factor

Working Adult

High cholesterol, late sleeper, regular alcohol drinker, smoker, late sleeper.

Individual with skin health concern

Pigmentation, acne, eczema


Individual with long term medication

Why Equaiive Curalon:

Key Ingredients


Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Extract 


  • Protect the liver against toxins, help reduce liver inflammation and liver damage.
  • Keeping cholesterol levels down, maintain heart health.
  • Antioxidant and also aid protect against the harmful effects of sun exposure,  improve inflammatory skin conditions and slowing down skin aging.
  • Increase the capacity of the liver to detoxify,
  • Prevent oxidative damage to brain cells, which could help prevent mental decline.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (Rhizomes) Extract Powder

  • Stimulate bile production, improving digestion.
  • Enhance liver filtration and detox effect from turmeric antioxidant properties.

Direction of use:
Take 1 capsule once after meal or as recommended by doctor or pharmacist.


Each 510mg Vegecap Contains:

Milk Thistle (Ailybum marianum) (Seed) Extract Powder - 400mg
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) (Rhizomes) Extract Powder - 40mg


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