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SBL Healthcare

Equalive Lignoxil

Equalive Lignoxil

Regular price RM41.50
Regular price RM45.00 Sale price RM41.50
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Suitable for:

Target Group

Pain Factor


Allergic rhinitis, sinus, asthma


Smoker’s cough, phlegm, respiratory Inflammation


Who wish to strengthens immune system & respiratory system


Why Equalive Lignoxil:

Key Ingredients


Tiger Milk Mushroom

  • Help sooth respiratory inflammations, improves breathing and relieves asthma symptoms.
  • Cleanse all impurities, it soothes inflamed mucous membranes in the respiratory tract and promotes cellular rejuvenation, expel phlegm and unblocks airways.
  • Enhance and promote a balanced immune response to environmental triggers in the lungs.
  • Improve sinus and lung respiratory system

Direction of use:
Take 1 capsule once after meal or as recommended by doctor or pharmacist.


Each 500mg Vegetable Capsule Contains:

Tiger milk mushroom
Sclerotium Lignosus rhinocerus - 500mg




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